About the tool

The Circular Strategies Scanner is a framework developed as a contribution to circular economy transition. The scanner provides a taxonomy of circular strategies for manufacturing companies engaging with circular economy integration and it serves to:

  1. Create a comprehensive understanding of circular strategies
  2. Map current Circular Economy initiatives
  3. Generate ideas for increased circularity.

The Circular Strategies Scanner can be used in a workshop or similar to describe the circular strategies currently applied for a product or service while aligning perceptions throughout the organisation. Subsequently this mapping can be used as the starting point for a scanning of new opportunities to enhance or append additional Circular Economy strategies, thereby support the formulation of shared vision for circular oriented innovation.

The tool has been used with the manufacturing companies participating in CIRCit, specifically to establish a clear vision as part of the action research to set a direction for the further work with the companies. Thus, the Circular Strategies Scanner represents a common tool used throughout all the 6 workbooks of the CIRCit project.

For more information about the Circular Strategies Scanner and how it was developed, read this article.

How to apply the tool?

Step 1
Download and print 2 copies of the Circular Strategies ScannerĀ and invite stakeholders from different parts of the organisation to represent different perceptions and competences.

Step 2
Collect and map the the different perspectives of your company on Circular Economy to understand the ways in which your company is already circular. This can be done using post-its and apply them on the first printout of the Circular Strategies Scanner.

Step 3
On the second printout of the Circular Strategies Scanner, identify the strategies that you could improve on, and the strategies that represent untapped opportunities. Discuss and prioritise these to set the scope going forward.
