Seaweed, wasted clothes and newspapers can be turned into non-woven sheets, suitable for a range of applications, among which is the construction sector.
Why use virgin raw materials when used materials from nature, production, and old products contain all you need? Advance Nonwoven has developed a technology that transforms seaweed, used clothes, old newspapers, twig mass from sawmills and waste from sugar cane production into fibrous sheets that vary in size, thickness and density. The sheets have different properties, depending on the purpose: Sheets made of wasted textiles are used for solid textile boards; feathers are used for cooling boxes; some fibre sheets are made for groth mats for microgreens; old newspapers are used for insulation in low-income communities in Africa; and seaweed gathered locally on the islands of Bogø and Læsø are used for insulation. The seaweed is treated using the company’s patented CAFT technology and finally heat treated, to bond the fibers The resulting products are Cradle-to-Cradle certified, as they are made from 100% reusable materials and with the use of 100% renewable energy sources.
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Advance nonwoven – A true fiber recycling adventure